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Long Term Grass Seed Mix (Acre Pack) (4-7 Years Dual Purpose)

2.00 kgs Tetragraze Hybrid Ryegrass Tet

3.00 kgs Boyne Perennial Ryegrass Int Dip

3.00 kgs Aston Bonus Perennial Ryegrass Int Tet

3.00 kgs Gleneagle Perennial Ryegrass Late Dip

3.00 kgs Merkem Perennial Ryegrass Late Tet

14.00 kgs per acre


Why Buy this product?

  • A flexible long term mixture
  • Suitable for either cutting or grazing
  • The Hybrid ryegrass will enhance cutting yields 
  • The Perennial Ryegrass will help to produce a highly palatable and digestible sward
  • Mixture works well in high input systems as it will respond well to applied fertiliser
  • Very popular mixture


14 kg bag - 1 acre pack


SKU: 7007
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